Gallery Mount

Unframed canvas meticulously wrapped on a solid wood stretcher frame.

Best suited for Synograph & Reductive prints.

Float Frame

Available in black, natural, walnut & gold.

Displays the stretched canvas with a slight gap between the artwork and the clean wood frame.

Best suited for Synograph & Reductive prints.

Cap Frame

Available in black, natural, walnut & gold.

Displays the stretched canvas with a solid wood frame.

Best suited for Synograph & Reductive prints.

Shadow Box

Available in black & natural.

Framed behind acrylic with a solid wood frame.

Best suited for Photography & Works on Paper.

Antiqued Frame

These frames are made to best replicate the ornate antique frames of the 18th century.

Exclusively offered for select Archival Works.

Gallery Mount with Tacks

Unframed canvas meticulously wrapped on a solid wood stretcher frame fastened with vintage tacks.

Exclusively offered for select Archival Works.